Terms and Conditions

Last updated: May 12th, 2024
Geelong Pickleball Club Inc. (ABN 56 863 316 539) (“the Club”) memberships are subject to the following terms and conditions which includes the Club’s Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy.
When used in this document, depending on the context, “Club”, “we,” “our” and “us” refers to Geelong Pickleball Club Inc.
  1. Liability Waiver

    Participants in any activity offered by the Club agree to the following:

    1. Each Participant acknowledges that the Activities involve physical exertion and physical risk and could result in the Participant’s (or another party’s) death, physical injury, mental injury or other impairment.
    2. To the maximum extent permitted by law, each Participant voluntarily agrees to take part in the Activities at the Participant’s risk.
    3. Each Participant understands that the Participant may at any time refuse to take part in an Activity.
    4. Each Participant warrants to "the Club" that the Participant has informed "the Club" in writing of the existence of any medical condition or impairment that may affect the Participant’s ability to safely take part in the Activities. The Participant must inform "the Club" in writing if any such medical condition develops during the term of this Agreement.
    5. Each Participant acknowledges and agrees that "the Club", its employees, agents or contractors will not be responsible for (and each Participant forever releases "the Club" from, holds them harmless and waives all rights in respect of) any loss or damage caused to the Participant or any other party in connection with the Activities in the nature of:
      a) death or physical or mental injury;
      b) the contraction, aggravation or acceleration of a disease; or
      c) the coming into existence, aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of any other condition, circumstance, occurrence, activity, form of behaviour, course of conduct or state of affairs that may be harmful to the Participant or the community or may result in harm or disadvantage to the Participant or the community, except where that loss or damage is caused by the reckless conduct of "the Club".
    6. For the avoidance of doubt, "the Club" and its employees, agents and contractors will not be liable for any loss or damage of a kind described in clauses 5(a) to (c) above which is caused by their negligent conduct, unless that conduct is also reckless conduct.
    7. For the purposes of this Agreement, conduct of a party is “reckless conduct” if the party is aware, or should reasonably have been aware, of a significant risk that the conduct could result in personal injury to another person and the party engages in the conduct despite the risk and without adequate justification.
    8. Where "the Club" provides equipment for the use of the Participant or others taking part in the Activities, each Participant agrees that "the Club" will not be liable to the Participant for any loss or damage caused by the use or misuse of that equipment, except where "the Club" is in breach of a statutory guarantee granted to the Participant under Part 3-2 of the Australian Consumer Law (Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)) or the liability cannot otherwise be excluded or limited by law.
    9. Each Participant indemnifies "the Club" and agrees to keep them indemnified in respect of any loss or damage suffered or incurred by "the Club" as a result of the Participant taking part in the Activities, except to the extent that "the Club" is liable for that loss or damage under this Agreement.
    10. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to exclude or limit a Participant’s rights under any law that cannot be excluded or limited and this Agreement is to be read and construed accordingly

  2. Purchase of a membership

    Upon payment for your membership application, the Club will issue you a payment confirmation electronically.

    The Club reserves its right not to accept any membership application form in its absolute discretion.

    All membership types are subject to availability.

  3. Term of Membership

    Subject to these terms and conditions, your Club membership will entitle you to the benefits of your chosen Club membership type for one year from the date of receipt of your membership payment.

    You can upgrade your membership to a membership type with a higher annual fee at any point in time and will get the amount paid for your existing membership credited back pro rata.

    You can downgrade your membership, i.e. change to a membership with a lower annual fee, when your current membership comes up for renewal.

    The club will send you an email reminding you that your membership is coming up for renewal. If you fail to renew and pay for your membership by the renewal date your membership will be automatically downgraded to a casual membership.

  4. Membership Types

    The Club currently offers the following membership types.

    1. Starter

      Benefits: No annual membership fee - and you can book any session up to 5 days in advance.

    2. Happy Pickler

      Annual Fee: $40.00

      Benefits: You can book any session up to 7 days in advance and get a discount of 10% on any booking.

    3. Totally pickled

      Annual Fee: $120.00

      Benefits: You can book any session up to 14 days in advance and get a discount of 20% on any booking.

    The club is not currently affiliated with Pickleball Victoria, so a club membership doesn't automatically include a membership with Pickleball Victoria.

  5. Refund Policy

    Subject to the Australian Consumer Law, once a membership has been purchased, memberships are non-refundable.

    Subject to the Australian Consumer Law, there will be no refunds available if you wish to terminate your membership prior to the end of your current annual membership.

  6. Cancellation Policy

    Club memberships are valid for one year from the date of payment of the annual membership fee.

    By becoming a member of the Club, you agree to this period of membership.

    In exceptional circumstances, if a member wishes to cancel their membership, the Club will advise the member to submit a written request to Club Membership Services via email to membership@gpci.au or post to PO Box 1060, St Leonards, VIC 3223 for consideration at its discretion.

    The Club reserves the right to cancel or suspend a Club membership without refund of any member that breaches any of the terms and conditions of membership.

  7. Code of Conduct

    It is a condition of membership that you always comply with the Club's Code of Conduct while attending any Club match, event, or function.

    Any failure to comply with the Club Code of Conduct may result in the immediate suspension or cancellation of your membership at the Club’s discretion.

    You will not be entitled to any refund if your membership is suspended or cancelled in these circumstances.

    The purpose of the code of conduct is to ensure that all players, members, spectators, officials and volunteers have a very clear understanding of the behavior that is expected from everyone and to make it clearly understood that breaches of these codes can result in disciplinary action.

    All players, officials, coaches, volunteers, visitors and spectators are required to,
    1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, sexuality, ability, cultural background or religion
    2. Never use offensive language behavior towards anyone or engage in sledging or bullying of any person or ridicule or yell at players for errors or poor performance
    3. Refrain from disorderly or disruptive behaviors
    4. Show due consideration to the needs of others, including their right to privacy.
    5. Display good sporting behavior including respecting your playing partner, the opposition and decisions of referees.
    6. Play by the rules and adhere to game etiquette (see below)
    7. Welcome, introduce yourself and encourage new players to the club
    8. Do not play under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances
    9. Act as a good role model and ambassador for the club at all times
    10. Never behave in a manner that would damage the reputation of the club either on or off the court.
    11. Handle club property with care and diligence

    Any grievance or complaint shall be handled as per the club’s Grievance Procedure outlined in the Club's Rules or referred to the most appropriate authority depending on the seriousness of the complaint.

  8. Game Etiquette

    The club asks that all players adhere to the following basic pickleball etiquette rules when attending sessions:

        Game Etiquette
      • Introduce yourself to new players.
      • Do not cross a court during a point.
      • Do not run onto another court while attempting to get a ball as you can collide with a player on that court. Replay the point if necessary.
      • Pay attention when the convenor is talking.
      • When a ball rolls onto your court don't just bat it back randomly - Pick it up and send it directly to the player requesting it.
      • At the conclusion of a game, retrieve the ball first. At the conclusion of a game retrieve the ball prior to tapping paddles.
      • Come a little early and assist with set up of nets and with pack up at the end.
      • Know the Rules - Do your best to know and understand the rules of pickleball.
      • When You are Serving Call the Score Loudly.
      • Ball on Court Call (Hindrance / Störball): Replay of point.

        Called for safety reasons or if it has impacted the outcome of a point. Sometimes players are distracted prior to a ball actually entering the court and it is legitimate to call this. This should not be called after the point is completed, especially if you have lost the point.

      • Line Calls: The Opposition should get the benefit of any doubt.

        • The players on the side that the ball lands has the call.
        • If they cannot make the call, or are uncertain they refer the call to the opposition.
        • If the opposition cannot make the call the ball is considered in.
        • If you call out you must see a space between the ball and the line.
        • Be prepared to change your call if someone in a better position indicates that the call was incorrect.

      • Play with Less Advanced Players

        When it is your turn to play with less advanced players do not try and manipulate the rotation to avoid them. We were all less advanced at one point in time.

      • If you are a less advanced player and wish to play with more advanced players: Improve your game by practicing. Advanced players are advanced for a reason.
      • When playing against less advanced players be mindful of how hard you hit the ball.
      • Don't Play Keepings Off in Social Play

        While it is a common tactic to keep the ball away from stronger players, it does not help your game or theirs. Hit some shots to the stronger player as it will improve your game.

      • Practice Good Sportsmanship

        For instance, if you know that you were in the Kitchen when you hit a volley, call a Kitchen violation on yourself.

      • Paddle Tap After Every Game

        After every game, players meet at the pickleball net to tap pickleball paddles - either with the head or butt of the pickleball paddle.

      • During any game play, any behaviour that would result in a technical foul in a refereed match, can be brought to the attention of the Club and may result in the immediate suspension or cancellation of your membership at the club's discretion.

        Other behaviour that can result in a penalty includes the following (as per the global pickleball federation rulebook for 2024 - Section 13G2)...

        • 13.G.2.a. Aggressively or recklessly throwing a paddle in frustration or anger, with negligent disregard of the consequences, and does not strike a person or damage property.
        • 13.G.2.b. A player using extremely objectionable language, or profanity, regardless of to whom or what it is directed.
        • 13.G.2.c. Making a threat or challenges of any nature toward or against any person.
        • 13.G.2.e. Any other actions that are considered extreme unsportsmanlike behavior.
        • 13.G.2.g. Deliberately throwing or hitting a ball that is not in play with negligent disregard of the consequences which inadvertently hits a person.

        The following behaviours which result in an immediate match forfeit in officiated games can be brought to the attention of the Club and may result in the immediate suspension or cancellation of your membership at the club's discretion.

        • 13.I.1.c.1 Making deliberately aggressive physical contact with an opponent, official or spectator.
        • 13.I.1.c.2 Aggressively or recklessly striking or throwing a ball or paddle out of frustration or anger that puts an individual or facility property at risk or in danger.

  9. General Venue Rules

    Club members must adhere to all rules, policy and restrictions imposed by the venues attended by the Club member, including providing their bags for inspection and allowing physical security checks.

    All venues are smoke-free. Patrons are not permitted to bring alcohol into any venue and must adhere to strict restrictions placed on alcohol consumption in designated areas at all venues.

  10. Voting Rights

    All members over 18 years of age are eligible to vote at the Club’s Annual General Meeting.

  11. Members Privacy

    The Club respects your privacy. All personal information we collect about you and individuals whose information you provide to the Club, such as family members, will be used and disclosed by the Club for the purpose of processing member applications and administering Club memberships as well as on behalf of selected third parties in accordance with our Club Privacy Policy which you agree will apply when you sign up as a Club member.

    Our Privacy Policy is available at https://gpci.au/privacy-policy

    The Club may also use personal information we collect from you, for promotional and direct marketing purposes and other uses and disclosures as specified in our Privacy Policy.

    You confirm you are authorised to provide the information you give us about others.

    Your personal information is kept securely and treated confidentially.

    Although you may choose not to provide us with your information or to only provide us with certain information, please be aware that this choice will affect the type and quality of service we provide to you, the processing of your membership and it may also result in delays.

  12. GST and Levies

    Except where expressly noted, all prices include GST (where applicable) and any applicable venue levy.

  13. General Disclaimers

    These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Victoria and you unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts having jurisdiction there.

    To the fullest extent permitted by law (including without limitation the Australian Consumer Law) the Club shall in no circumstance be liable to you for any direct or consequential losses or any loss (whether direct or indirect) arising out of your purchase of or participation in Club membership, including without limitation from the loss or suspension of your membership or your ability to attend all or any Club sessions or enter a venue where a Club session is occurring, except to the extent the loss is caused by the Club’s breach of these terms and conditions, its negligence or wilful default.

  14. Further Information

    If you require further information in relation to these terms and conditions, please contact the club via email (info@gpci.au) or by calling 0434 724 626.