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2025 Geelong Pickleball League
What is the Greater Geelong Pickleball League?
Division #1 - Standings
Division #2 - Standings
Are you already a Pickleball Victoria (PV) member ?
Before we start your application to become a member of the Geelong Pickleball Club, we want to check whether you may also want to become a member of Pickleball Victoria at the same time.
The Geelong Pickleball Club Inc. is affiliated with Pickleball Victoria (PV), and you can become a Pickleball Victoria member via your Geelong Pickleball Club Inc. membership.
If you are not already a PV member through another club or directly with PV, we encourage you to consider becoming a member of Pickleball Victoria.
The membership fee charged by Pickleball Victoria is exactly what PV charges for their annual membership (currently $60/year for Adults and $47.50/year for Seniors (65+) and Juniors (<18yo)) as GPC's
annual membership is currently free of charge!
The PV membership also makes you a member of Pickleball Australia (PA) and gives you a National Member ID (provided by Pickleball Australia), which is a mandatory requirement if you want to play in any sanctioned pickleball tournament.
It also gives you access to Personal Injury insurance (coverage Australia-wide at PAA/ PV affiliated clubs and PV Sanctioned Events), gives you access to
Member-Only Discounts from Affiliated Businesses, Sponsors, Venues, Coaches, and Suppliers
and generally enables you to play at interstate clubs as a guest. Finally, your PV memberships supports the development and growth of Pickleball as a sport through a range of initiatives run by both PV and PA.
If you decide that you want to become a Pickleball Victoria Member, you can register
. Make sure you select
Geelong Pickleball Club
on both the first and the second page of the registration to ensure that your membership is linked to GPC and you are not charged more than the Pickleball Victoria membership fee
If you are really into Pickleball and want to maximise the places you can play ay, you may become (or already are!) a members of more than one club. Keep in mind that when you renew your PV membership, you can currently only select one club as your club. If the club you select there charges an annual membership fee (currently Torquay charges $10, Drysdale $25, and Queenscliff $10, while Ocean Grove like Geelong have a free membership category and don't add anything to the PV fee), that club membership fee will be added to the Pickleball Victoria membership fee ($60 for Adults, $47.50 if you're classed as a Senior (65+) or Junior (< 18)), and you are then paying the club membership and the PV membership in one payment.
Any other clubs you may also be a member of will then chase their club membership fee (if there is one) directly with you.
At this stage I only want to become a Geelong Pickleball Club member, so I can participate in sessions offered by Geelong Pickleball Club Inc.. I don't want/need to become a Pickleball Victoria member, as I do not yet want to become a PV member or because I already am a Pickleball Victoria / Australia member through another club. Note that you will then miss out on the many benefits of a PV/PA membership, including personal injury insurance and the ability to play in official tournaments.
I would like to become a Pickleball Victoria member. If you select this option you will be redirected to the Pickleball Victoria website - if you select the
Geelong Pickleball Club
as your linked club then after joining Pickleball Victoria you'll automatically also become a member of the Geelong Pickleball Club (casual membership) - note that it can take up to 48 hours for the club membership to come through from Pickleball Victoria.
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