Australian Masters Cup 2025

Join us for the inaugural Australian Masters Cup, a ladder league style competition for players aged 50 and over that starts on the club level and provides a pathway all the way up to National Championships.
The AMC is flexible re: attendance, so you play when you can and want to, no problem if you miss some gamedays - however you need to play at least 5 of the 11 sessions on offer; Games are played on Saturday from 4pm to 6pm starting on March 1st, with a break on March 8th due to the VicOpen.

Playing Format

The AMC is run as a Co-Ed ladder league - you will be playing doubles games based on a roster determined by the software - who you will play each week is determined by where you sit on the ladder as the software will group together players that are close together on the ladder.

2025 Australian Masters Cup

  • Bring yourself, play doubles: The competition is designed so you don't need to organise a playing partner; just book yourself in - we organise your double games for the night.
  • Flexible Attendance: The AMC league is played on 12 consecutive Saturdays from 4pm to 6pm starting on March 1st and with a break on March 8th for the VicOpen. Play will most likely be at The Y in Newtown; anyone that is 50 or over (or turns 50 by December 31st 2025) and is a member of the Geelong Pickleball Club AND a member of Pickleball Victoria / Pickleball Australia can participate.
  • General Playing format: Each week you will be assigned to a playing group where you will be playing round robin games based on a schedule determined by the software.
  • Scoring: Players are asked to record the scores of their games themselves directly on - this reduces the workload for our volunteers. So after each game one representative from the winning team and one from the login team get together to enter the scores and verify that they were entered correctly.
  • Cost: Registration for the AMC is free, you just pay a session fee of $10 each time you want to play.

How do I register ?

Because the league is run via (formerly PickleballBrackets), there is a couple of hoops you need to jump through to sign up:
  1. If you are not yet a member of Pickleball Victoria / Pickleball Australia, you need to first sign up with them - go to the Pickleball Victoria registration page and follow the prompts there; make sure you select the Geelong Pickleball Club as your club:

  2. Next you need a DUPR account; this is because all games recorded on are automatically recorded in DUPR. If you don't have a DUPR account yet we recommend to create one yourself now (it's free) - otherwise will create one automatically for you in the next step, but that has caused issues for some members, so we recommend you create the DUPR account yourself.
    Once you have your DUPR account you can find your DUPR ID here - you need it when you set up your account (if you don't already have one).
  3. Once you have your DUPR account, join the GPC DUPR Club here
  4. You need an account on - if you already played in a tournament in Australia (or overseas) it's likely that you already have an account. If not, signing up is free. Make sure you enter your PA/PV National Member ID that you obtained in Step 1 in your profile on
  5. Once you have your and DUPR account and have them linked, click here to go to the Club Page for the Geelong Pickleball Club on and click on Become a Member there, then follow the prompts (joining the GPC on is free and just a formal step required so that can let you register for our league.
  6. We need to review your membership application from, so it can take up to 24 hours for your membership there to be approved - you should get an email once that has happened, and then you can finally sign up for the 2025 Australian Masters Cup