Round : This is the round in which the score was achieved.
Date : This is the date on which the games of this round were played.
Court : The court on which Filimone played on that day.
Games Played : The number of games Filimone played on that day.
Won Games : The number of games Filimone won on that day.
Points scored : The total number of points Filimone (with their respective playing partner) scored on that day.
Max Points : The maximum number of points that Filimone could have scored
Raw Score : The raw relative promille score, calculated by multiplying the number of points scored with 1000 and dividing by the maximum number of points possible.
Court Weight : The court weight - each court is assigned a weight, the further down the court is, the less weight it has. That is because
players are placed onto courts based on their position on the ladder, and having the weight applied stops a player on the very bottom
court to jump straight to the top of the ladder (due to the lower weight applied to the court).
Round Score : The relative (weighted) score for this round, calculated by multiplying the raw score with the court weight, and dividing by 1000.
Score Age Weight : All scores achieved by Filimone age, meaning that if a score
was achieved 90 days ago it is considered only half as important as a score achieved today; the
scores in the leagure are said to have a half life of 90 days. This ensures that more
recent scores are given more weight.
Aggregated Score : This is the final score after this round. It is calculated by summing up all aged scores up to and including this round.
Each round score is added with the given age weight, and in the end the average is calculated across these aged scores, which results in the aggregated score.